Aging In Place - MAKE A PLAN!

If you are one of the majority of adults who want to stay independent in your own home, you need to make a plan for it! It doesn’t happen magically.

According to a 2021 survey by AARP, 30% of all respondents said they would need to modify their current residence so that they or a loved one could continue to live there if they had physical limitations.

  • 79 percent said they would need to modify bathrooms with grab bars or no-step showers.

  • 71 percent said their home has inside and outside accessibility issues.

  • 61 percent said they would need an emergency response system.

  • 48 percent said they would need smart-home devices, like a voice activated home assistant or a doorbell camera.

Lyn’s Daughter is a NASMM@Home Specialist! Give us a call today and let us help you put a plan in place to stay at home and in control as long as possible. 513-461-6896


Deciding What to KEEP


Downsizing Memorabilia